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School Policies

Please find all school policies below for download. Should you require the school to print a copy of any policy document, please ask at the school office where they will be happy to help.

Disabled Access                                         

All parts of the school are accessible to all children, members of staff and visitors with disabilities. We have a detailed policy to ensure that all children have equal access to our provision; including the curriculum. This is available on request.

Medical Matters and Medicines     

 The admission form requests medical details which may affect a child's well-being whilst at school - such as asthma, allergies etc. We keep this information confidential amongst relevant staff and request that parents keep us updated with health matters arising during their child's time at the school. We appreciate being kept up to date with changes of address, telephone contact numbers and of any events in your child's life that might affect their work or well-being. If a child needs to have medicine administered during the school day, parents should complete a consent form at the school office. The medicine should be clearly labelled with the child’s name and dosage required and should be given to the school secretary who will follow the instructions accordingly. Under no circumstances should medicine be carried around school or left in a bag in the cloakroom. The exception to this rule is inhalers. The inhaler should be clearly named and can be kept by the child. For the occasional or emergency user, inhalers may be held in the school office.


During their time at school, there may be opportunities to publicise some of the activities in which your child is involved. This may well involve filming or photographing children for use in the local media. As a school, we welcome these opportunities, believing that positive publicity benefits all involved with the school, and we hope that you do too. There may be occasions when we arrange photography for our own purposes, such as displays and school brochures, or events where parents wish to take photographs e.g. sports day and concerts. 

Photography or filming will only take place with the permission of the Headteacher, and under the supervision of a teacher. All parents receive a form giving them the option to refuse permission for their child’s image to be used. Parents who wish to video events in school are required to fill in a consent form obtained from the school office. This is to comply with Child Protection legislation.

  1. Complaints Procedure Policy 2024
    PDF File
  2. DPE Model Data Protection Policy V1.14
    PDF File
  3. DPE Model Data Privacy Notice General v3.1
    PDF File
  4. DPE Model Data Privacy Notice Pupils v3.1
    PDF File
  5. DPE Model Data Privacy Notice Workforce v3.1
    PDF File
  6. Collective Worship Policy 2023
    PDF File
  7. PSHE and RHE Policy 2023
    PDF File
  8. Accessibility Policy 2023
    PDF File
  9. Educational Visits Policy 2023
    PDF File
  10. Equality and Diversity Policy 2023
    PDF File
  11. Intimate Care Policy 2023
    PDF File
  12. Marking Policy 2023
    PDF File
  13. Whistleblowing Policy 2023
    PDF File
  14. E-Safety Policy 2023
    PDF File
  15. Anti-Bullying Policy 2023-24
    PDF File
  16. Attendance Policy 2023-24
    PDF File
  17. Early Years Foundation Stage Policy 2023
    PDF File
  18. Final Behaviour Policy 2023
    PDF File
  19. First Aid at Work Policy 2023
    PDF File
  20. Homework Policy 2023
    PDF File
  21. Ormesby Calculation Policy 2023
    PDF File
  22. Ormesby Phonics Policy 2023
    PDF File
  23. Ormesby Schools SEND Policy Sept 2023-24
    PDF File
  24. Whole School Admission Policy 2023-24
    PDF File
  25. Whole School Attendance Policy 2023-24
    PDF File
  26. Assessment Policy 2023
    PDF File
  27. Whole School Safeguarding Policy 2023
    PDF File
  28. DPE Model Clear Desk and Screen Policy
    PDF File
  29. DPE Model SAR Procedure V1.8
    PDF File
  30. DPE Freedom of Information Policy V1.1
    PDF File
  31. Third Party Software
    PDF File
  32. CFPN Comic Strip
    PDF File
  33. DPE Publication Scheme Maintained High Level v1.1
    PDF File
  34. Charging and Remissions Policy 2024
    PDF File
  35. Education of Children with Medical Needs who are unable to attend school policy 2023
    PDF File
  36. Administration of Medication Policy 2024
    PDF File