Observation Heaven!

Seeing classes in action stands as the highlight of the week!
It has been highly enjoyable to get around the classes this week to see what the children have been learning and to see them in action. I have been impressed with the quality of knowledge being taught and for the level of engagement from the children. I enjoyed the Cooperative Learning CLIP, Catch 1 Partner, in Bumble Bees looking at how many equal groups there were and I have been pleased with Caterpillars learning how many more are needed to make another number.
We have some good news that Mrs. Allen has had a successful medical procedure and she is now recovering. We all wish her a speedy return. However, in the mean time, the Ladybird class are in good hands with the combination of Mrs. Bird and Miss. Roscoe.
Bushcraft looked at fire safety this week and the Years 1 and 2 children went outside with Mr. Earle to enjoy further outdoor learning, identifying different trees and looking more closely at tree sap. The children had never seen it before, but got to touch and feel it. We are all looking forward next week's session.
Next week, is National Storytelling Week and we will be marking this by reading out different extracts in assemblies and telling some tales to the children.
Have a great weekend everyone!