Chinese New Year!

Chinese New Year is about to begin!
It has been lovely this week to hear the children practising their latest songs with Mrs. White-Joubert. I am sure the children have come home singing the songs that have definitely been stuck in my head this week. Preparations are afoot for taking some children from both schools to the Norfolk County Music Festival, once again, in Norwich. This will be another rewarding experience and hearing such angelic voices will be very heart-warming.
In Caterpillars and Ladybirds, the Chinese New Year is going to become a key area of learning for the children. The picture above is the children retelling the story of the signs of the Zodiac and how the animals were selected. It has been great to see how well the pupils are following the procedures and routines of the class this term. It really shows how they are growing up and loving school.
As some parents will have seen from the letter that was emailed at the end of the school day, Mrs. Allen has got to leave us temporarily for a medical procedure. We wish her well and a speedy recovery. As a result, Mrs. Bunker is going to come into Caterpillars all week and Mrs. Bird is going to move from Caterpillars to Ladybirds to begin the week in that class, with a supply teacher, Miss. Roscoe, covering the remaining days. Keeping as much, consistency and familiarity for the pupils was key. We all hope the recovery period will not be too long and we can resume the status quo swiftly.
We are still awaiting confirmation that the final Ofsted report can be published. The inspection seems a lifetime ago. We are hoping next week will be the moment.
Have a great weekend everyone!