Cold Snap!

Pupils return with a chill in the air!
Welcome back to the Spring Term and hasn't it been extremely cold this week? Please ensure all children are wrapped up warmly coming into school with jumpers/cardigans, gloves and hats. Rest assured if the playground is too slippery, despite being gritted, we will limit the children to having break within their class outdoor spaces. These are amazing at providing an area to move around for some fresh air, whilst still being under cover and close enough to the classroom should the children prefer to play an indoor game together.
It was a pleasure to see the children so eager to return to school this week. They are always so full of energy and enthusiasm. Well done to the staff for enabling such a positive and warm environment for all to experience and enjoy.
Hopefully, you will all have seen my Spring Newsletter and the calendar of Spring Term events. Once again, lots going on to look forward to for our pupils and for our parents. Over the course of this term, we will be focusing on improving the very foundations of our Writing, so that our pupils develop a greater understanding of what a sentence is and what key elements need to be within one. It is hoped that as the children progress through the schools, their writing journey is evident and their abilities in this subject become even more special.
Next week, we are hosting another SENDIASS coffee morning from 9:15am at the Junior school for any parents wishing to speak to a SEND specialist, who has offered to be available for our families. We also have our Premier Sports coaches coming in on Friday 17th to involve our pupils in a virtual inter-school competition, which on this occasion will be Archery. This is a new venture, so we are looking forward to learn how successful this will be. I have no doubt the children will enjoy it.
Have a great weekend everyone!