Cake Time!

Monies raised for a the very worthy cause of Macmillan!
Despite the awful weather today, the Macmillan cake sale still went ahead. Thank you so much for the many donations of lovely cakes and biscuits and for every single contribution to the amount of money raised. Cakes were on sale at the beginning and end of the day under the outdoor classroom shelter between Ladybirds and Bumble Bees. Once we have a total, we will share it with you.
It has been fantastic for me to be going into each class this week to observe the many different lessons and styles of imparting knowledge to the youngest of our children. I really love how we do Phonics, it is so enthusiastically delivered to the children that they cannot help but be infected by it and immersed in the phonemes, graphemes and oral blending being taught. I also enjoyed seeing the children tackling part-whole models in Mathematics showing their understanding of place value using concrete resources to help them demonstrate their knowledge. Writing is always something we are striving to improve across the Federation, because many children find this a challenge, however, I was shown some wonderfully descriptive writing this week, which showed just how hard children are working to improve not only their handwriting but also the construction of and the content within their sentences.
The children had their individual photos taken this week with Kittle and I have never seen such beaming smiles as they posed for the camera. I have no doubt these will be worth purchasing in readiness for Christmas gifts.
Next week, we have the Little Wandle Workshop for parents on Wednesday 2nd October from approximately 2:15pm. This will enable us to explain how our approach to teaching early reading works so parents can support this in the home. Thursday is National Poetry Day with the theme of Standing on the Shoulders of Giants. We look forward to seeing what classes engage in on this day.
Have a great weekend everyone!