Open the Book Return

Open the Book stories make a comeback in assembly!
It has only been a short while since the Summer holidays, but it was great to see the Open the Book team back this week with their new story of Creation. It was even more poignant given that one of their team had sadly passed away in the Summer and they continued with the same energy and enthusiasm they always had in Mrs. Gillett's memory.
I have been and will continue to enjoy going into the classes to see how the teachers are getting on with imparting that important knowledge to the children. It has also been fantastic to see the nurturing relationships being forged between staff and pupils in every class. Our children really are so well looked after.
At this time of year and with pupils being back together we will always get the odd bout of a seasonal illness occurring, so, like us, please ensure you encourage your children to wash their hands thoroughly in order to prevent the spread of any illnesses.
Next week, we have the individual professional pupil photographs at the Infant school on Tuesday. On Wednesday, some of our staff are going to host a Little Wandle Workshop providing information on how we carry out Phonics at school and how you as parents can help at home. By Friday, we have our Macmillan Cake morning, where you can start your day with a sweet slice or two. We would appreciate some donations of cakes to sell on the day.
Have a great weekend everyone!