A Sporting Finale!

Half-term is welcomed in by a host of sporting treats.
Well, the week leading up to a half-term is never a dull one. Classes have all been working really hard on their learning, preparations are in full swing for the Phonics Screening Check and Reception have ended the week carouselling around completing different sporting activities.
Year 2 have been making clay models of different mini bests they saw at their recent trip to Fairhaven. Some looked quite scary and others had so many eyes and legs it looked like they were going to scuttle after me.
Premier Sports laid on an enrichment session in Dodgeball for all classes and there were some very comical moments. None more so than when the staff innocently receive a dodgeball to the body standing nearby.
The Reception class went over to Martham Primary Academy and enjoyed taking part in a variety of different sporting games led by Year 6 pupils from that school. Everyone behaved well and enjoyed taking part, especially the staff and parent helpers. A great morning.
Remember we return on Monday 3rd June.
Have a great half-term everyone.