Welcome to the Circus!

Trips galore see Key Stage 1 enjoy Fairhaven and Circus Ferrel
It has been another hectic week at the Infant school caused by some interesting trips that staff had arranged for the Years 1 and 2 children. Thankfully, the weather on the trip days proved to be pleasant, which made the excursions more enjoyable.
The Year 2 class went over to Fairhaven to learn more about mini beasts and plant life in support of their recent Science work. However, it was not just this subject that benefitted from their visit because upon their return they used this stimulus to help them write a detailed recount of all their activities. Behaviour was impeccable and everybody, especially Ms. Skoyles (who came along as another helper).
By Friday, all of Key Stage One travelled over to Rollesby Playing Field to enjoy Circus Ferrel, a travelling, pop-up, sideshow of acts and performances for the local audience's entertainment. It was only a short trip, but I can safely say everyone enjoyed their experiences. I do hope nobody had to do the trapeze or balance on a tightrope.
Next week, on Friday 24th May, we have the Reception sports' trip to Martham Primary, which will be fun for them to participate in. I have no doubt they will enjoy the different activities being led by the Year 6 children from Martham school.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!