Double Busy!

School efforts increase to prepare all pupils for their Summer assessments.
The sun is shining and the Infants have been in fine spirits this week. It was lovely to see one of our Reception pupils play the keyboard for the rest of the school in Good Work Assembly today. It takes a lot of courage to perform in front of an audience and despite being a little nervous the rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star was extremely clear and in time. Excellent to see.
Attendance this week was won by Caterpillar class with 97%. Well done to them.
It has been a very swift, broken week, but the class teachers and support staff have all been working tirelessly to prepare the children for their KS1 SATs, their Phonics Screening Checks and their EYFS assessments which will be taking place this. Our new approach to Phonics teaching, Little Wandle, has been steadily introduced to the children now all staff have had training and Mrs. Vaughan has been ensuring everyone is teaching their Phonics sessions enthusiastically and consistently.
In the next few weeks, we are planning a Save our Seals bake sale handcrafted and delivered by our Infant Leaders with all proceeds going to the Friends of Horsey Seals Charity. We will let you all know when the goods are ready to buy. We are also hoping to attend Horsey beach for a beach clean litter pick in June to reduce pollution and hopefully see some seals that we are trying to save.
Next week, we are looking forward to the Nurses' and Doctors' costume day in honour of Florence Nightingale's birthday, which is 12th May. I have no doubt everyone will look great.
Have a fabulous weekend everyone and stay safe.