The Plot thickens!
The "Crash" has got everyone talking - how on earth did it happen?
As many of you all know now something has recently crashed on our premises and it has created such a stir amongst the classes that much of their work has been directed at discovering what happened. We have the evidence that children have been interviewing one another about possible earlier sightings of the rocket in some difficulty and children have been determining what must have been the cause of it to end up on our hill. The Bumblebees and Dragonflies have been building their own versions of rockets to ascertain whether it had been a mechanical fault forcing the rocket to crash or perhaps it had been caused by an aerodynamic failure of some description. it may have simply run out of rocket fuel.
Children in Dragonflies have also been Sea Creature fishing, thankfully not for real, but this scenario has helped the children learn how to multiply in 5s and 10s. The class have worked really hard and shown a strong level of understanding. Well done to them right before their SATs too.
Our school hall has recently been repainted in a well-being green and this has set off the room nicely. We are planning ion working through the premises to ensure the entire building looks wonderfully bright and fresh for all our pupils.
Thank you to the parents of our Year 2 children, who attended the KS1 SATs information session with Mrs. Vaughan. We hope you found it answered all your questions and you have a better understanding about the process.
It has been enjoyable to pop into all classes and Phonics groups to see the level of pupil interaction and engagement with one another, not to mention observe the quality and consistency of Phonics delivery from all the staff. We have great belief that the new approach we have implemented will ensure a stronger passion for reading amongst our pupils.
Next week, please do not forget it is Bank Holiday Monday meaning the schools are closed. We will see you on Tuesday.
Have a great, long weekend everyone!