Science Week

A spring walk!
The overarching theme for science and engineering week this year was ‘time’. The Ladybirds have been busy little scientists exploring, predicting and discovering many new things during the week. These have included which materials are waterproof, what happens when colours are mixed and which objects float or sink.
For the ‘time’ aspect of science week, the children have been noticing the natural changes in the outdoor area and in the school grounds. We talked about the seasons of the year and how we need appropriate clothing for each season. Then, in small groups the children enjoyed a walk outside to look for changes associated with spring. They went armed with their own clipboard and pencil to record what they found. Afterwards, we talked about how the changes will continue to happen as spring merges into summer, and what changes we may expect to see. We will be watching closely for the growth of flowers and leaves and hoping for some warmer weather too!